12 things contractors could do in 2021 to put me out of business
1. Understand the requirements of contracts before implementing work
2. Listen to customers, engage early and act on their concerns
3. Exercise commercial rigour and diligence in everything……put in the ‘hard yards’
4. Have the difficult conversations early - establish ground rules - name the game
5. Be prepared to say “no because………., but here is what I can do to help…….”
6. Understand the real cost of everything you do
7. Ensure quotes and tenders are supported by deliverable, logical and resourced programmes.
8. Only spend money which has been contractually agreed or properly pre-authorised
9. Keep daily records of what is being done, where, why, how much, for how long and by who
10. Give notices and warnings as and when required by the contract
11. Issue proper contractual justification and commercial substantiation for change claims
12. Provide regular and accurate progress reports
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